you can prevent gender-based violence when you:
What is Healthy Sexuality?
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) defines healthy sexuality as “having the knowledge and power to express sexuality in ways that enrich one’s life. It includes approaching sexual interactions and relationships from a perspective that is consensual, respectful and informed. Healthy sexuality is free from coercion and violence.” When children learn about healthy sexuality at a young age, they have a greater potential to engage in healthy relationships and behaviors throughout their lifetime, and gain a better understanding of being agents of their own bodies, needs and desires. See the NSVRC’s full article on healthy sexuality and sexual violence prevention here.
Check out more resources here:
An Overview on Healthy Sexuality and Sexual Violence Prevention provides a foundation in defining healthy sexuality and aframework for healthy sexuality as an approach to sexual violence prevention.
Resource for Parents: Talking to Your Child is a simple chart an adult can fill out to determine their comfort level and knowledge when talking to children about healthy sexual development.
Healthy Sexuality: A Guide for Advocates, Counselors and Prevention Educators offers practical tools for discussing healthy sexuality and connects sexuality with primary prevention tools for local sexual violence programs.
An Overview of Adolescent Sexual Development explains how adults can support healthy development and examines age-appropriate behaviors and skills.
It's Time...To Talk about Gender Norms explores the relationship between less rigid gender norms can prevent sexual violence and promote healthy relationships.
It's Time... To Talk about Consent provides information on the defining and establishing consent and the importance of consent in healthy sexual interactions.
Bold Steps Toward Child and Adolescent Health: A Plan for Youth Violence Prevention in Colorado examines risk and protective factors and the Colorado strategic plan for your violence prevention.
The Teen Years Explained: A Guide to Healthy Adolescent Development is a comprehensive exploration of healthy adolescent development that examines physical, cognitive, and emotion and social development, as well as exploring how adolescents build their sense of self and understanding sexual development.
The Influence of Media Violence on Youth examines the relationship between media violence and violent and aggressive behavior.
Media Education Foundation (MEF) is a great resource for documentaries challenging media. Joystick Warriors is an excellent documentary examining the relationship between violent video games and violence in the real world.
The WCADVSA has assembled a Children's Literacy List of books that support the emotional and social development of children by encouraging children to respect others and challenge ‘traditional’ gender stereotypes. Consider using these children's books to engage in dialogue with children about healthy sexuality and respect.
The WCADVSA has developed tips and talking points for Communicating with Children about Healthy Sexuality.